Terenia Taras - Blog

8th August 2018
Royal Wharf

PR for the Construction Industry

When I was appointed to manage the PR on behalf of Tate Consulting, a multi-million pound construction and engineering company, it was a first for me in this industry. Having worked across many different sectors from automotive, hospitality, eye health, software, cosmetic, oral hygiene and teeth whitening, through to logistics and packaging, I was excited about the challenge of getting some great results. As with most accounts, the hard work is getting something worthy of writing about from your client. In PR this is the most common problem and often the reason it falls down. People are busy, usually too […]
29th April 2018

Measuring PR Success

I’m so excited as I think I’ve found a time-saving solution for one of the biggest issues in PR – How to measure success? Essential tool for measuring PR success I recently trialed new software called CoverageBook which allows you to create reports you can share with automated metrics including; pieces of coverage, online readership, estimated coverage views, social shares, YouTube views and average domain authority. These metrics allow the PR professional to instantly see campaign successes and failures as well as demonstrating to their clients the results and reach of each piece of coverage, including videos and social media […]
9th April 2018
Richard Branson quote

As Bill Gates, Chairman of Microsoft was once quoted: “If I was down to my last dollar, I would spend it on public relations.”

When it comes to PR, it’s not always seen as a necessity for most businesses, and is usually also the first thing to go in lean times. This is often because PR comes down to people either buying in to it, or not. PR is not a tangible item, can be difficult to measure and often gets replaced for an extra member of staff or something which the accountant can financially quantify like multi-coloured bean bags and designer coffee machines. However, the power of a press release should not be so quickly dismissed, and for individual business owners or SMEs […]